September 13, 2011

Stop looking at my soul. It feels weird.

Today I had a somewhat life-altering phone call to make. I knew whatever this person on the other end of the line said would be filled with either opportunity or disappointment. I decided to go sit down in the perfect place on Venice beach in order to brace myself. I bought a lemonade. Lemonade always helps when bracing yourself.

I dialed the number.
It rang once.

Just then, a man approached me.
“You’re destined for greatness,” he said. He looked like a regular old Jewish father. His T-shirt and shorts did not peg him as the average crazy from Venice beach. I didn’t sense he was on meth.

I thought the timing was strange because I was just about to make a phone call that would tell me whether or not I am destined for greatness. I hung up the phone to hear what he had to say. Maybe this stranger would tell me the size of the greatness or the exact kind of greatness.

“I see your soul,” he said.
I just spent a year studying Spritual Psychology, so I am all about souls. I decided to give him a chance.
“Your soul says you are headed in the right direction,” he said.
Yes! Yes! Please tell me more!! Validate me, fine sir.
“I just got off the phone with Madonna. She was crying about her 13 million in real estate she lost. Money is not the answer.”

Hmmm…. I am pretty sure there are other ways to teach me about money without dropping names. But, it’s LA. I gave him another shot. Maybe he could be my guru.

“Tell me your father’s first initial?”
“Yes, that’s what I thought. I am a see-er. I see everything around us right now. Your father is right here. What was his name?”
“Yes. That is correct.”


Of course it’s correct. I know my father’s name, and, yep, that is sure it. I wanted to tell this ‘see-er’ that HE was supposed to be the one to do the naming. He was doing it all wrong. He said that he is a Kabbalah master for all these celebrities including Steven Spielberg and Bla Bla and Bla Bla.

 And he could see my soul.
All I could see was a yacht ride with Madonna as we tied on each other’s red bracelets and laughed about adoption law in Africa.

After bragging many times that he speaks fluent Hebrew, he told me he could fix all my problems. He said that the ‘other side’ did not want me to reach my goals but that he could fix that by doing some healing work on my lower back.

“I’m going to go get a water. You make your phone call. I’ll come back and ‘treat you.’”
“I’m not sure,” I said.
“You’re not sure? Well then, forget it.” He got up, pissed, and walked away.
“I mean, can we maybe meet up later?” I called after him.

Was my chance at being a big deal walking away? What if this Kabbalah guy really was a healer and everything holding me back in life is stuck in my lower back? WHAT IF?

But I was really hungry and wanted to make a phone call. So I let him walk away. And now that I am home, I am so happy I did not agree to some lower back servicing. I mean, come on! DUH! I don’t even like Madonna. At all. How did that work on me? I am such a fucking sucker, and I’m sick of being a sucker. I paid $50 for a car wash the other day because it was a special detail ‘just for me.’

In India, a similar ‘see-er’ approached me. He said he could read my mind. He really hooked me while I was lamenting that his underarms emitted quite an onion scent. He said ‘I think American girls smell bad. It’s just a cultural thing.’ HE DID READ MY MIND (I was not thinking that all Indian men smell like onions– only him, but it was close enough)! And my mind was talking shit about him. So embarrassing.

I spent ELEVEN days under his guidance. We spent ELEVEN days eating meals together that I paid for. We talked about life, and he told me when I was being negative. That’s it. Those were his services. They were actually really helpful. After gaining my trust, he said my problem was that I needed to feel unconditional love. And he said that would happen by us laying in bed together hugging.

Come on!
I understand that I may look gullible. Or stupid. There must be something about me that tells all these people I will fall for their schemes. And maybe I do sometimes fall for their schemes. BUT LAYING IN A BED with a smelly Indian stranger to experience unconditional love? Um, sorry. I could buy a dog, or I don’t know… call my friends and family who love me unconditionally! When I said no, there was a similar angry huffing like Kabbalah Man’s. As if passing up an opportunity to lay in a bed with a stranger in street clothes (barf!– I wouldn’t lie with Javier Bardem in street clothes on my bed) was the most unbelievable thing anyone could ever do.

They must teach that in sales school or something. Because, damn. Getting angry at rejection really makes people (or maybe just me) feel like they’re missing out on something big.

Well, I am not falling for it anymore. Done. Today’s Hebrew-speaking name dropper has shown me the light. I think what these people see in me is my lack of trust. If I am looking to some stranger to tell me I’m destined for greatness, that must mean I’m lacking some confidence in myself. Fuck that. I know I am destined for greatness. Who isn’t? I don’t need anyone else to tell me. No see-ers. No gurus. No phone calls. Nobody but me. I happen to know myself really well, and even though I wear pajamas most of the day and sometimes forget to brush my teeth, I am fucking destined for fucking greatness, dammit.

The next person who tries to give me a deal ‘just for me’ gets a crotch punch.

This is my Indian guru on the top of a mountain. This wasn’t just any mountain. This was a ‘special’ mountain where he only took ‘special’ people. 

When looking through my India photos, I noticed this guy. I think this is India’s version of white people. Thankfully, most of us don’t really look like Spicoli with blue highlights.


blog news! You can now enter your email over there to the left so that you will get a notice every time some words get posted here.
Also, I am now blogging about life every Wednesday here: Stratejoy 


Junket September 13, 2011 at 11:52 am

I smell a joint business venture between gullible you and even more gullible me. Let’s hang out with strangers and pretend to be life coaches. It will be just like Tosh.0 but better because we can be honest and real and say what we want right to the faces of people. Kind of like a present-day MST3K.

laurenne September 13, 2011 at 4:03 pm

I had to google MST3K!! I loved that shoooow! Yes, let’s do a modern one. I see your soul right now. It’s orange and brown. It’s covered in pine needles.

How’s that sound? Good? Eh?

Junket September 13, 2011 at 10:56 pm

Covered in pine needles? That’s exactly why I’ve taken stock in Zyrtec. Ah, it all makes so much sense to me now!

Mark September 16, 2011 at 7:02 pm

Wow… you had to google MST3K..? Does anyone remember when the Comedy Network first came on and they showed stand up snippets instead of video the way MTV used to do with music? A block of funny people riffin’ on the same topic..? or am I just showing my age ..??

Rahul September 13, 2011 at 1:30 pm

Spicoli references, Steven Spielberg, Madonna? Pop culture is oozing out of this blog like something that oozes out of something else (didn’t want to use lava, boring.) You ARE destined for greatness! But I’m not a stranger so it probably doesn’t count. How come no one ever says you’re destined for “goodness.” I mean being good at something is alright. Wanting to be great seems slightly greedy.

Also I have this pen. It keeps away demons and if you hold onto it for 31 hours straight you will get 3 wishes which you can use for anything! It costs $4312, but really it’s priceless since you can make that back ten fold. I will sell it you for $4311. Today only.

laurenne September 13, 2011 at 4:03 pm

Wow! What a steal?! When can I come get it?

Also, you get a crotch punch.

Madgew September 13, 2011 at 2:23 pm

I want to know how the phone call went when you finally made it. So funny. I will be your soul soothsayer for nothing. Thanks for coming to my show on Sunday night.

laurenne September 13, 2011 at 4:04 pm

it went well!!!!!!! That news is coming soon!

Brooke Farmer September 13, 2011 at 2:56 pm

Laurenne, you ARE destined for greatness! I know this much for certain because your soul told me so that first time we met in Santa Monica.

Or maybe I just think so because you paid for my wine. That’s probably all it really takes with me.

laurenne September 13, 2011 at 4:05 pm

Well, I thought you were destined for greatness the first time we met too. And you didn’t even buy me wine! Stop bring that up!!!! I was rolling in the dough back when I was employed! Now, not so much. Next time you’re buying wine.

Kristin Wong September 13, 2011 at 5:18 pm

NICE Spicoli call!

Also, somebody came up to me at Venice telling me they were gonna give me a massage once, too. But he didn’t say I was destined for anything. And he was wearing a business suit.

laurenne September 14, 2011 at 2:48 pm

That sounds weird, but for some reason the business suit makes me feel like it’s okay. I hope you said yes and paid nothing over $100.

alonewithcats September 13, 2011 at 8:09 pm

I was going to write “you are destined for greatness” in Hebrew, but then I realized that despite my years of forced Hebrew school, I remember pretty much nothing. Which probably qualifies me to be a seer. Oh, wait. Can seers wear glasses, or is that an oxymoron?

laurenne September 14, 2011 at 2:48 pm

MAN! The main reason I am your friend is so that I can get validation in Hebrew. This ruins everything DAMMMMMIT.

Stephanie September 14, 2011 at 5:43 am

Yeah, but…what about the phone call? Or will you only tell that story to “special” people?

laurenne September 14, 2011 at 2:47 pm

Yes, only special people get to know about the phone call for a special price of $49.99/month. CALL TODAY!

Freckle Faced September 14, 2011 at 10:57 am

You ARE destined for greatness…so says this stranger who is all good for unconditional loving and bed hugging.
I’ve been checking out your blog for a few months now…lurking without commenting- But not creepy lurking, just legit anon surfing. So what’s different about today? Well, today I checked out your Stratejoy post and just wanted to let you know that your writing kicks arse. You should know that.

laurenne September 14, 2011 at 2:46 pm

Aw! Thank you! I really really really appreciate you saying that! I’m glad you said something, as we are no longer strangers. So, bed hugging is totally on the table.

Freckle Faced September 15, 2011 at 11:08 am

No, thank you! You regularly make me laugh…and I’m not talking bout the LOL kinda shite.. I mean real laughter…like from the start of the century when it was an audible action.
I realised that getn my kicks and not leavin any comment is kinda like those guys who disappear in a cloud of murdered vampire dust after a girl helps them shoot their load.

Irving Podolsky September 14, 2011 at 3:48 pm

“You are destined for greatness.” You know Laurenne, I got that message too! It was quite a spiritual moment when it so tangibly came to me, wrapped in a fortune cookie. And it came with a lottery number!

So ever since I’ve been waiting for greatness…which I suspect…came already when I wasn’t paying attention. I think I was too busy being born, as you were, as we all were, as we achieved immediate “greatness” hitting the outside air as a pink, gooey, wailing bundle o’ joy.

See, this greatness thing, it’s all how you look at it. How great do you have to be? Can being loved by five people qualify as being great? Or is it ten? How ’bout having your shit read by strangers on the internet? Is that something that means greatness?

Does greatness have to be honored to you by someone else? Or can it be something that you can self-publish? I mean, I think you’re great. Here I am writing to a woman I don’t know. I’m taking the time to do and leave my thoughts.

Look, I’m no soothsayer or see-er, but if you’re looking for validation from some guy in Pasadena, you got it from me. I give you permission to EXPAND your greatness, ’cause you already have it, and you’ll never lose it.


laurenne September 15, 2011 at 10:20 am

Thank you, Irv! You got my point! Fuck those other people. I only need validation from MYSELF (and strangers in Pasadena)!!

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