August 10, 2011

People who live in glass houses should not have pencil mustaches

In Catholicism, the choosing of a baby’s godparents is a big deal. In case the child is ever orphaned, those godparents take over. They must be carefully inspected because their lifestyles have to match that of the parents. They should be close friends or relatives who can be trusted with the emergency upbringing of a child. In most families, they do not have to kill anybody or put horse heads in anyone’s bed.

Since my dad was an atheist, I am pretty sure he didn’t take this task of searching for the perfect substitute parents very seriously.

He asked a dude from his office.

This was 1980 and he worked for IBM, so I’m sure there was some excited water cooler talk between the two of them. (The eighties did have great water coolers.) I don’t doubt he got to know this man well. They probably made fun of Carol in accounting and maybe expensed some lunches together. But godfather? Man who might possibly have to raise his daughter one day?

If it was a joke on the whole idea of baptism, the guy still said yes! He probably leaned over the cardboard wall of his cubicle, uttered some quip about MS-DOS or staplers, and then agreed to take me in if my parents ever died. He went to the baptism. He poured water on my little head, and BAM– godfather. His job description also said he must pretend to care about my drawings and recitals and just kind of ‘spot’ me until my parents died.

The plan was working.

And then my dad came out of the closet.

Suddenly, this sideliner of mine wanted nothing to do with me. I wonder what his thought process was at the time? “That girl might grow up to be a gross lesbian, so I take back everything I said when I splashed water on her at the church.” Or perhaps “Jim’s a fag and he’s gonna try to stick his dick in me. I better run. Help!” (Please note that the below picture proves this was absolutely NOT a legitimate fear.)

Whatever his fears, he decided he no longer wanted the duty of being my substitute parent. I’m not sure how it affected the talk around the old water cooler, but I’m thinking it was awkward. I’m thinking Carol from accounting did some whispering from her cubicle about my dad. “How could Jim be a homo?” she surely asked. Homosexuality was still considered a mental disorder back then, so I can’t blame them for wondering. I just hope some of them were whispering about my deadbeat goddad as well.

I never really knew the man since he deserted his duties when I was only three. I’ve wished for a substitute father just a few times. Like when I went to buy my first car and cried throughout the entire process (It’s not that I’m emotionally unstable. The salesmen were peeling onions that day.) I have always at least wondered who the guy was and how he could REALLY be that scared of associating himself with a friend who turned out to be gay.

And now my mom found a picture of him after all these years:

That’s the judgemental guy?

I’m slightly relieved this man wasn’t in my life. And also more angry with my father for choosing him. A pipe and a pencil mustache? Really? Come on! A PIPE? What if I grew up with a god-oedipus complex and learned to think that pencil mustaches were attractive?! I already have a problem with my attraction to men like my actual father (unemployed depressed Latinos). Thank the lord I didn’t have that pencil mustache in the mix. And this guy looks boring. His wife can’t even keep her eyes open when they’re together. I’m thinking it’s probably better that he and his hatred weren’t in my life.

But I’m wondering (if he’s not already dead) how he’s dealing with all the legalized gay marriages and the greater acceptance of homosexuality. Are you freaking out, man? By the looks of this picture, I sort of have a feeling you either spend your days complaining about squirrels or you, yourself, are actually married to a man. I just have a feeling. I’d love to know. If anyone knows this man, come forth! I swear I won’t be mad and give you shit about my abandonment issues. Swear. If you still have a pencil mustache, I might be a little scared. But not mad.

Note: I am aware that judging one based on his style of facial hair is just as evil as judging one based on his sexual preference. However, let’s all be honest: a pencil mustache is much, much worse.


Madgew August 10, 2011 at 2:22 pm

I am laughing now and wondering who will come up with the winning name and where he is today. So funny Laurenne. What you find at your Mom’s when you go visiting. I can pretend to be your god father or god mother if you want. Just let me know my duties now. I will not renege.

laurenne August 10, 2011 at 5:39 pm

Thanks, Madgical!

alonewithcats August 10, 2011 at 3:16 pm

I would like you even more if you grew up to be a big lesbian. I would make a really awesome godmother. Except for the fact that I don’t believe in god. And mothering.

laurenne August 10, 2011 at 3:19 pm

I still might grow up to be a big lesbian! Fingers crossed!

mambert August 10, 2011 at 3:34 pm

The father picks the godfather. I think this guy was the only Catholic your dad could find.

laurenne August 10, 2011 at 5:40 pm

Oh. Good point. Still. A PIPE!?

rich August 10, 2011 at 4:41 pm

Wait, not one word about the douchebag’s Sears & Roebuck sweater?
The mutant overgrown collar?
His repressed, semi-hot Klute look-a-like wife?

You’re such a pussy.

laurenne August 10, 2011 at 5:42 pm

I’m trying not to be as bad as he was. But that collar is horrible. So happy someone said it. Thank you. Yours truly, Pussy.

laurenne August 10, 2011 at 5:44 pm

Also, Klute? Come on! I was born in ’80, as stated above. But the IMDB pictures look great.

Mark August 10, 2011 at 6:27 pm

Being old enough to actually remember the 80’s, being a ‘dandy’ (at least I thought I was…) and having a gay brother, I KNOW how tough it was to have been seen being ‘Felix’ to someone else’s ‘Oscar’… or do you think the ‘Bert and Ernie’ thing is a recent thing..?

Either this cat was self-loathing or he was so afraid of getting caught up in some kind of blowback that he decided to cut ties with your Dad. Not like I am purposely sticking up for this cat but I am jus’ sayin’…

You might remind him of a time he is trying to forget… I wonder if he has a little pang of guilt for essentially abandoning your Dad and running away from his friendship with him..? What if that IS something he thinks about whenever someone tells him about being a godparent to a friends child?

Like I said… jus’ sayin’… guilt is a MF and I would not be surprised if you are a small regret grown larger with time…

The Incredible Woody August 10, 2011 at 6:27 pm

She’s not sleeping. She is meditating. “Please don’t let him want to stick his dick in me when we get home. Please don’t let him want to stick his dick in me when we get home……..”

Someone get that lady another drink ASAP!

Rahul August 10, 2011 at 9:22 pm

“There’s a saying that goes ‘People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.’ Okay. How about ‘Nobody should throw stones.’ That’s crappy behavior. My policy is: ‘No stone throwing regardless of housing situation.'” – Demetri Martin.

MS DOS jokes! You’re so tech savvy my friend! Wait a second. Did your dad ask John Waters to be your Godfather? Because that really looks like him. Whatever, you don’t need him to be your Godfather, being all judgmental. Unless it’s really John Waters then you should find him. Also was the pencil mustache a thing in the 80s? I’m going to bring it back. Not.

Ayana August 11, 2011 at 7:49 am

Hi! I generally lurk here quietly but I had to speak up today because I too was abandoned by my godfather! Up until I was about 5, he and my dad were besties and he used to come over at night after I was sleeping to hang out with my dad, and I always knew when he’d been there because he’d leave 5 bucks and a pack of gum under my pillow. (It sounds kind of creepy in the re-telling, but it didn’t seem that way, then). Anyway, when I was 5 or 6 he and my dad got into a big fight because he wanted my dad to help him do something illegal, and my dad (who’s a lawyer) wouldn’t do it. So he decided that my dad was “dead to him” and never spoke to any of us again for like 10 years. And I missed him (well, mostly the money and the gum). But I did feel crappy about getting ditched. Anyway, eventually I guess he went to AA and he had to come back to make amends with us. So when I was like 15 he came to the house and apologized and tried to give me a hug, but he was sort of scary and weird, plus he was basically a stranger, and I was 15 and obnoxious, so I wouldn’t hug him, and he got pissed and said I was always “a stuck-up little thing” and then he left. Again. And I haven’t seen him since. So some godfathers just suck, I guess.

Your blog rocks, by the way.

Sea August 11, 2011 at 8:02 pm

A fabulous piece of Laurenne here. Nice.

Jmak August 12, 2011 at 7:55 pm

Name: Les A. Round
Location: Waco, Texas

Kelley August 13, 2011 at 2:52 am

I wish that man was my next door gaybor so that I could look at his pencil moustache and pipe all day. But, alas, he isn’t and I have no clue who he is and, thus, no way of helping you out. Sorry, L!

Luda August 13, 2011 at 9:15 am

Homosexuality > pencil moustaches. Is this even a contest, really?

Carrie August 15, 2011 at 11:17 pm

okay that guy was a wreck? was your dad blind? *pees pants at the pipe and goggles*

Carrie August 15, 2011 at 11:17 pm

for the record: was a wreck!!

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