everything else i’ve ever written. ever.
By Month:
- January 2016
- December 2013
- June 2013
- January 2013
- September 2012
- August 2012
- July 2012
- June 2012
- May 2012
- April 2012
- March 2012
- February 2012
- January 2012
- December 2011
- November 2011
- October 2011
- September 2011
- August 2011
- July 2011
- June 2011
- May 2011
- April 2011
- March 2011
- February 2011
- January 2011
- December 2010
- November 2010
- October 2010
- September 2010
- August 2010
- July 2010
- June 2010
- May 2010
- April 2010
- March 2010
- February 2010
- January 2010
- December 2009
- November 2009
- October 2009
- September 2009
- August 2009
- July 2009
- June 2009
- May 2009
- April 2009
- March 2009
- February 2009
- January 2009
- December 2008
- November 2008
- October 2008
- September 2008
By Category:
- 'the paradox of choice'
- 2009
- 2011
- 30 rock
- 3six5
- 80s
- 90210
- abandonment
- abortions
- abroad
- abuelo
- acceptance
- acciental trips
- acne
- Action!
- addison
- Adrian
- adulthood
- advertising
- after
- after travel funk
- agra
- airline baggage
- airport
- aliens
- America
- ancient porn
- angelenos
- angkor wat
- animal aid
- animals turtles having sex
- anti-gay
- antipasto
- anxiety
- apartment
- apocalypse
- arrival
- Arvind
- Asia
- asians
- australia
- automobiles
- awareness
- babies
- bad bad blogger
- bad jokes
- bags of bras.
- baguettes
- balls out
- bamboo train
- bananas
- bangkok
- barcelona
- barf
- barfola
- bargaining
- bastards
- bat nha monastery
- bathing suits
- beaches
- bears
- beauty
- bedroom
- before
- being present
- bellybuttons
- Benicio del Toro
- berets
- betrayal
- BFFs
- big farts
- Big Macs
- bikram
- birthday
- birthdays
- blog nerds
- blogger v wordpress
- bloggers
- blogging
- blogs
- blow job
- blue monkeys
- boat
- bodily changes
- bollywood
- boob tube
- boobs
- books
- books and plates
- bootie dice
- boss
- boy scouts
- BP oil spill
- brain matter
- brains
- brown
- buckets
- buddhism
- buffalo
- bus puke
- bus stop
- bush
- butter butter butter
- bye
- bye bye independence
- cafe
- cafes
- california
- calimocho
- cambodia
- camera
- camping
- career
- cat lady
- caulk
- cavaricci
- celibacy
- cellulite
- chai
- chain letters
- chaps
- charts
- Chatroulette
- cheap
- cheeseburgers in paradise
- Cheesecake factory
- chia pets
- Chicago
- childhood
- chilis
- chin hairs
- China
- Chinese
- choice
- choo choo
- christina hendrix
- Christmas
- chupacabra
- cleanliness
- cliches
- clothes
- clown
- clubs
- cock
- coffee
- coke
- comedic asians
- comedy
- coming home
- compromising
- concert
- confusion
- connecting vagina to ovaries with gusto
- contact lenses
- contest
- cool
- copa mundial
- corey podell
- corporate world
- corrin
- cousins
- cow butt
- cow jam
- craft services
- crafts
- Craigslist
- cranes
- crazy
- creativity
- crepes
- cross country
- cubicle
- cubicles
- cuddles
- current events
- D'Lisa
- danny and annie
- dating
- Day For Sharing
- day one
- death
- debauchery
- debbie gibson
- decisions
- delhi
- deliveries
- delusion
- Dhobis
- diaper poopers
- diapers
- diary entries
- dirty dirty girl
- dirty socks
- Disneyland
- diving
- dog
- donkey
- doubts
- douchebaggery
- drawing muhammed
- drawings
- driving
- drugs
- dudh man
- dumb people
- dumb stuff
- Earth
- east vs west
- eavesdropping
- eclipse
- Edmund
- eggplant parmigiana
- ego
- egos
- eighties leighdies
- electric blanket
- elephants
- embarrassment
- employee
- enamorada
- enlightenment
- epidemic
- eric clapton
- Espana
- espanglish
- ethnic confusion
- Ew
- experts
- Explorer's Nest
- facebook procrastination
- facelifts
- factory phil
- failure
- fake nails
- fake tans
- fakes
- family
- farts
- farts at disneyland
- fat and ugly
- father
- father daughter
- fatherhood
- fathers day
- february
- feet
- figgy pudding
- financial freedom
- finding peace
- fine
- firing
- first grade
- fish
- flags
- flogging stones
- floppies
- fluffy hair
- fluids
- foam crowns
- foooood
- foreigners
- forever xxi
- Fourth Grade
- France
- freaking out about the future
- Fred Flintstone
- French
- fresh eyes
- friday
- friendship
- froggies
- fuck
- Fuck Shit Stack
- Fullerton elementary
- fun
- funny
- funny asians
- funny humans
- funny or die
- funny stuff
- futbol
- fuuuuck
- ganadores
- gap year
- garlic
- gay bashing
- gay dad
- gay father
- gay parents
- gbr
- gelato
- germs
- Gerry Katzman
- ghayters
- Gibbons
- girls weekend
- Glantongerds
- glass eyes
- goat love
- god
- godparents
- going home
- grad school
- Gran Via
- Grandma Marie
- grandmas
- gratitude
- grody
- growing up
- guerra civil 1936
- guest blog
- guidos
- guillermo sala
- guitar soloists
- hahahahaha
- hahahahha
- hair
- hairy toes
- half&mitad
- halloween
- hand gestures
- hand in a cow's butt
- harem
- hate
- hatred
- heels
- Heidi Montag
- help
- help me
- henna hair
- high heels
- high maintenance
- high school
- hilarious
- hilarious asians
- himalayas
- hindsight
- hip
- hippiedom
- hippies
- hipsters
- his and her hair
- historia y imaginacion
- history
- hmmm
- Ho-bag
- hoarding
- holidays
- hollywood
- home
- homeless
- hometown
- Honda Civics
- honduras
- honey skin
- hoodies vs. hats
- hook ups
- hope
- hopeless romantic
- hornbills
- horny
- horrible american
- horse motels
- hostels
- hot tub
- hotels
- hotness
- Huffington Post
- humor
- hyperbole
- i hate duke
- i miss
- idiots
- immaculate conceptions
- immigrants
- in-laws
- inappropriate
- India
- indians
- indonesian ladies
- Intelligentsia
- internal conflict
- internet friends
- iPhone
- islands
- it's all lies
- Italians
- itinerary
- Jaipur
- jaleebi
- japan
- javier bardem
- jerks
- jerkwads
- Jesse
- jesus
- jewel
- jfk jokers
- jobs
- jokes
- joplin
- Jordan Knight
- judging
- jumple
- junior high
- junk
- Justin bieber
- Justin Case
- kashmir
- Kat Ahn
- kate gosselin
- khajuraho
- Khmer Rouge
- Khmers
- kimchi
- Kowaleski
- LA
- La to Chicago
- LA traffic
- lady boys
- Lady Gaga
- laos
- Larry David
- las cruces
- latin lovers
- latinos
- laurenne
- laurenne sala
- lawrence
- lazy
- learning
- lessons
- letting go
- life
- life is not fair
- life lessons
- like
- lindsay lohan
- little birds
- living with my mom
- london
- loneliness
- long
- longhorns
- longing
- los angeles
- los angeles show
- losing dead people
- Lost
- Louis Vuitton
- love
- love triangles
- lucky bicycles
- Lumpy Kualas
- Lynne Curtin
- madrid
- malawi
- malaysia
- Mambert
- man alive
- mango
- marcus
- marijuana
- mask
- massimo
- mccain
- me
- meandering
- meaningful life
- meditation
- Meighth
- mekong
- memorial day
- memories
- men
- menstruation
- meth
- mexicans
- michael jackson is really dead
- Mike DeStefano
- miley cyrus
- milwaukee
- mini thanksgiving
- miscellaneous
- modern family
- mom
- monaco
- monkey butt
- monks
- more people
- more vomit. poo
- Most Versatile Blogger
- movement
- moving
- muhammed
- mumbai
- mumbo jumbo
- my old crabby ass
- naked men
- nam
- narcissism
- national parks
- negative
- negativity
- new job
- news
- news anchors
- Nice
- nicolas cage
- nineties
- no goats
- no patience
- no thanks
- no way
- North Korea
- nudity
- nuerosis
- nuts
- nutshell
- obama
- offensive outfits
- offensive yoga clothes
- office culture
- ohm
- OJ
- old men
- old stuff
- old woman poo
- Olive
- olives
- onsen
- oops
- oprah that damn woman
- Osama
- Osama bin Laden
- ouch
- outer looks
- outlook
- padded bras
- pagers
- pajamas
- Palm Springs
- pancakes
- papua new guinea
- Paris
- Paris Hilton shoe line
- parties
- patience
- peaches
- peacocks
- pebbles in a clearing
- pee breaks
- penis veins
- people
- perehentians
- perineum
- pete
- phone numbers
- pickup lines
- piiiii mai
- pillowcases
- pizza hut
- planes
- Planned Parenthood
- plastic geese
- Politics
- pondering
- poo
- poo poo poo and more poo.
- poodles and vaginas
- pools
- poolside
- poor guy
- popularity
- porters
- positive
- president
- prison and fairgrounds
- Promenade
- promiscuity
- protests
- psycho killers
- pubic hairs on the toilet
- pubic hairs santa crotch
- pubis
- pudding
- puzzles
- questioning life
- questions
- racism
- radioactive vaginal discharge
- random
- rapping
- rats on sticks
- reading
- reality
- rebajas
- red fort
- regret
- religious persecution
- retinas
- retirement
- retreat
- reunited
- rhetorical
- rich people
- Rishikesh
- roaches
- road trip
- robots
- rollerblading
- ron
- rubber trees
- rude
- Ryan Lei
- sad
- safe for work porn
- saigon
- salad bars
- same clothes
- same world two places
- San Francisco
- sandwich terriers
- sanity
- Santa Monica
- sappy
- say NO
- scared cows
- scarves
- scary
- schedulint problems
- Scion XA
- searching
- secret societies
- secrets
- security
- self acceptance
- self-doubt
- self-esteem
- self-importance
- self-love
- sex
- sexy time
- shah jahan
- shampoo
- sharing
- shimla
- shirtless
- shock
- showering
- sign spinners
- signs
- silver fox crotch
- single
- singledom
- Six flags
- sixth grade
- Sizzler
- skin
- skulls
- sleeper bus
- slut
- sluts
- slutty dresses
- snakes
- snip snip snip
- snipers
- snooki
- Snooki book deal
- Snooki salary
- Snooki Snooki Snooki
- soccer
- society
- soda water
- solo
- sorry mr. driver
- southwest
- spain
- Spanglish
- Spaniards
- spiritual psychology
- St. Patrick's Day
- stage fright
- stalker
- stand up
- staples
- statue of liberty
- stegosauri
- step aerobics
- stereotypes
- stinky fruit
- storytelling
- stream
- striippers
- student loans
- stuff
- stupid
- suburbs
- sugar daddies
- suicide
- Suzanne Sugarbaker
- swamis
- sweat pants
- swimming monkeys
- swindled
- swine flu
- taboo tales
- taj mahal
- talking to oneself out loud
- Tamera Barney
- tampons
- tantrums
- technology
- teenagers
- temples
- terrorists
- texas
- thailand
- thanks
- the axe
- the crowd farter
- the dark side
- the downfall of society
- the end
- the end is near
- the end of the intelligent world
- the French
- the future
- the jersey shore
- the law
- the matrix
- the new year
- The promenade
- The Real Housewives of Orange County
- the west
- thich nhat hanh
- thinking
- third person
- thirties
- thirty
- thong
- those were the days
- three months
- thursday
- thxthxthx
- time
- tit talk
- toilet paper
- Tokyo
- tongue
- too busy to actually write something good
- totally
- tourist shmourist
- tourists
- towers
- trains
- transition home
- transition to the west
- trashy
- travel
- tribes
- tributes
- truth
- trying new things
- turbans
- turning 30
- turtles
- TV
- twenties
- twilight zone
- twin beds
- Two and a half Men
- Udaipur
- Uncategorized
- uncool
- unemployment
- unfunny jokes
- unicorns
- unnecessary
- unprotected sex
- UT
- utila
- vagina enthusiasts
- vaginas
- valentines day
- Vampire weekend
- varanasi
- vegan corn dogs
- Venice Beach
- Vietnam
- vietnamese communists
- villagers
- violent sex
- virgin cows
- virgins
- vomit
- vulvas
- wack-a-mole
- waiting
- Wal-Mart
- walmart
- water
- water dessert
- weave
- weave advice
- WebMD
- wednesday
- weird
- weird times
- weirdo
- west
- whackos
- whalish
- while I was gone
- white pants
- Whole Foods
- whore for a paycheck
- wigs
- winners
- Wise Men
- wit
- woohoo
- wordle
- work
- world cup
- worth the wait
- writers block
- yachts. being poor in monaco
- yale st.
- year
- year abroad
- year traveling
- yeast
- yellow mustard
- yikes
- yippeeeee
- yoga
- yucky socks
- yummy yummy
- zen
- Zephyr theater
- zippity zip
- zoo